Three Things Thursday

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As seen on Nerd in the Brain

1 – Listening friends

Hitting a rough patch this past week (see Where Am I?), I had the awesome opportunity and availability of a friend to listen to me, well, bitch/moan/complain. It was very therapeutic and certainly helped a lot. A few beers between friends helped keep the brain vomit flowing and they even joined in at certain points as well. Here’s to mutual friends helping each other out on a bad day.

2 – Arrow

I’ve embarked on another Netflix binge and am trying to control my “fires of hell” urge to call off work and rip through three seasons in under a day. After having come off watching Flashpoint, Primeval, and Leverage, I recovered enough to start watching Arrow. An amazingly dark and brooding type of show with just enough violence to make it interesting but not so much that it’s hard to watch. It’s also not bad seeing Emily Bett Richards and Katie Cassidy in almost every episode. Shout out to John Barrowman, who will be forever known to me as Capt. Jack Harkness (Dr. Who / Torchwood)!!!!

3 – Courage

I’m a private person, and have since 2012, run this blog as “private” and discouraged search engines. Having read through all the posts, and confirming that there isn’t a shred of personally identifiable information from my real life, I decided to open things up and make this a public blog. I’ve had several people stop by and start to follow, people I probably wouldn’t have found on my own. Discovered the long way that you can’t be found if you’re not listed in the first place.

2 responses to “Three Things Thursday”

  1. nerdinthebrain Avatar

    So glad you’re sharing the happy! (And super-glad that you had that opportunity to talk to a friend!)

    Your post reminded me that I started watching Arrow, and I was really enjoying it, but then I got sidetracked. (It is my way.) I need to get back to Arrow watching!

    Have a wonderful week! 😀


  2. The Snail of Happiness Avatar

    I started my blog with the intention of it being anonymous, but that fell by the wayside ages ago… now when I’m writing I just have to bear in mind that friends and family read it as well as a bunch of folks I’ve never met. Actually, I’ve now met several of my readers in person and it’s been fun.
    Anyway, nice to read your 3 things – all good!


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