Three Things Turkey – 11/24/2016

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Inspired by Ms. Emily’s Home for Full-Grown Nerds

Bring the happy!


Who the hell ate the damn wings!?

A golden, crispy skinned, juicy, and fantastically tasty turkey for Thanksgiving!


On my plate, the stuffing is a sloppy gravy covered mess.

Moist, heavy, and crazily herbed and spiced turkey fat laden stuffing!

Pecan Pie

This is your piece, I ate the rest of the pie already!

For those that have had this, no description is required. For those that haven’t, crap, why aren’t you going to find some right now!?

Daughter Approved!

TTT Music Album Recommendation

by Bridge to Grace

2 responses to “Three Things Turkey – 11/24/2016”

  1. The Snail of Happiness Avatar

    I see what you mean about my robin now I look at your turkey picture!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. John Liming's Blog Avatar

    I’m lovin’ it and it looks like your Thanksgiving is turning out to be really memorable and great. Jim and I went to eat at a local family restaurant and the minute we arrived in their parking lot an automobile hit an electric transformer a few blocks away and blew the electric out for a wide swath of our city so all the restaurants hurriedly shit their doors. We ended up at a super market deli where we got fried chicken, cole slaw, dinner roll, mashed potatoes and gravy —I don’t do pie but your pecan looks really swell!

    Liked by 1 person

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