Deadly integration of militarism and capitalism

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I didn’t mean to start out the new year of 2017 with a downer and most likely opinionated post. That is what has happened though as I decided to read an article with an unassuming title that ended up pissing me off. If you’re interested in reading the source article for all the quoted text:

SOURCE: America Deconstructed: the Great Unraveling

This is what started getting me pissed off…

American GREATNESS is code for world dominance in all areas of life; arguments to the contrary are matters of unjust defamation and internal subversion.

As if we’re so awesome, in our privileged arrogance, to believe that we’re superior to everyone else in the world. What is an American anyway? British, German, Irish, Russian, etc. We all have multicultural roots as hundreds of thousands immigrated to this country from the 1400’s to the 1700’s most often as a punishment. A lucky person was considered to have survived the trip to the “new world” only to be met with conditions worse than the ones they left. I submit that America is not great anymore, we’re not #1 in things that matter, like education and industry, but in things like gun ownership and incarceration. We’ve spent the last 15 years, at least, pushing a military agenda to fuel our capitalist machine to grow wealth for a relatively small portion of our population. Our elite have managed to transform our country into an Oligarchy. Head here to read a good post about oligarchy on In Saner Thought.

Business has been allowed to expand practically without limit, banking even more so, but it is the military factor that has given American capitalism its particular identity, a capitalism bent on solipsistic force-feeding, the ingestion of world power at the expense of other nations and our own people (upwards of 90% of them). Militarism and capitalism comprise a heady brew: the martial spirit turned inward, to ensure conformity with the System as it is, and complicity with its criminal activities (as in war crimes, or more difficult to discern, legitimated violence, in which society’s upper groups enjoy a privileged status, the violence practiced on those below).

The gold standard stopped being a standard in 1971 thanks to the Federal Reserve and Richard Nixon. Ever since then, there has been a slow erosion of policies and law that hindered business and banks from making more money at a quicker pace. The repeal of Glass-Steagall brought banks and lending institutions into the financial market mix as well in the 1990’s. The Fed ran with a 0% interest rate for several years leading up to the financial crisis of 2008-09, where no one in business or banking was held accountable, but Lehman Bros. was used as a scapegoat. My opinion is that they were used to show other businesses what would happen if they didn’t fall into line with the oligarchy that had taken control of our financial systems. The far-reaching powers granted to the President to use military force abroad to protect national security and punish terrorism and those who are harboring terrorists further fueled the capitalist machine.

Finally, don’t judge Trump too harshly, unless of course one is prepared to judge his peers by the same standards as well. Obama is Trump, without the hotels! He is Cheney, without the Wyoming twang, or Bush, the Texas ranch. He is what may be termed, an ultra-imperialist statesman, using liberal cosmetics to disguise policies of repression (targeted assassination, a blip on the radar screen of evil, outweighed by policies, e.g., nuclear modernization) which can bring down the house. Trump is not thereby exempt from criticisms and responsibility; he is a distillation of American political culture (and US culture in general), rashly opinionated, inflated in self-esteem, reactionary in political-economic core beliefs, hateful of those who do not see things in the same way he/she does. This is the start of a bleak winter—not for ourselves alone, but for everyone on the planet, as America’s destructive tendencies come more and more to the foreground.

The eyes of history will be the true judge of Trump and the U.S. democracy in the coming decades. We’re living through an interesting time, faced with a fork in the road, we chose to go with the wildcard candidate hoping that things will get better. The problem I see though, is that corporations, banks, and lobbyist purchased government officials are actually running the country. The President is just the lipstick on the pig that the American people are allowed to see. When media is controlled by the oligarchs, when the financial systems are controlled by the oligarchs, when the government is controlled by the oligarchs, are we not therefore, living in an oligarchy?

It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better if, and when, the American people decide that they’ve had enough of the current system that is systematically favoring the wealthy.

6 responses to “Deadly integration of militarism and capitalism”

  1. lobotero Avatar

    Thanx for the kind words and the inclusion in your post….I agree with all your observations…too bad Americans cannot see past labels and insults….chuq

    Liked by 2 people

  2. John Liming's Blog Avatar

    When the American People get tired of their system that is so well supported by and for the wealthy and decide to do something about changing it then they are going to have to come up with the money to get it done … and then what?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. w1nt3l Avatar

      That’s the thing, with a system that is more balanced (less of a gap between poor and wealthy) there is plenty of money available to do whatever is required. I’m not endorsing that wealthy people go away, I’m endorsing throwing away the idea of “trickle down economics” because nothing ever trickles down, it gets shipped to offshore accounts outside of the U.S. where it does no one except the wealthy any good.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. John Liming's Blog Avatar

        You hit the nail on the head there, buddy! Trickle Down Economics has always been proven to “Trickle Upward” as far as I am concerned.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. raisinghumanz Avatar

    Being an immigrant (shock! Horror! lol) to the USA, I love reading your more political posts relating to life here…it’s a completely unique perspective because most people I’ve met are either right or left – and there is no room for discussion on either side! Anyway, I have lived in the USA for almost 6 years now and I moved from a country that has “free” healthcare, extremely strict gun control laws and way too much government interference in everyday lives – and we still have the same problems with wealthy folks as what I see here…the gap continues to widen. It’s depressing. Anyway – completely beside the point – but I am taking my citizenship test this year & I am beyond excited to be able to call officially call myself an American ?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. w1nt3l Avatar

      I like to consider myself on a see-saw between right and left, no side is correct all the time, it allows me to lean the way I think leads to the right thing to do or believe. I’m always open to other ideas though, unlike some that are so rigid that another possibility is as foreign as being dropped in foreign country without knowing the native language.

      Good for you on seeking citizenship! That is an excitement I’m never going to experience as I was born and raised in the U.S., I didn’t even have a passport until I was 38 (I’m 40 now). Half a lifetime and I’ve been to one country…. it’s sad. Something I hope to rectify soon.

      You make a good point about other countries having the same issues with the wealthy and government. It’s a systemic global problem that I’ve seen played out in way too many science-fiction movies. I’m convinced that its all trial and error.

      Liked by 1 person

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