Stress Free

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Daily writing prompt
Your life without a computer: what does it look like?

This one is quite easy to answer, but has some applied nuance to set the appropriate context. I went full disconnect and assumed that “without a computer” actually meant all electronic processing devices, including a mobile phone. With that said, here is what I hope my life would look like without electronics.

I believe there would be some shock to overcome if electronics disappeared from my life. It wouldn’t last too long as I would likely adapt to a mode of thinking closer to how I grew up without any electronics to speak of. The phones were wired and were primarily in homes and on corners in the cities in the form of pay phones. There would definitely be some chaos, again if everything disappeared, but for the remainder of this post, I will be going on the assumption that it was only me and I rejected electronics from my life.

Very quickly my life would adapt to a loss of electronics. Most of what I do daily can be done without a computer and electronics since that’s how I lived from the mid-70’s as a child to the mid-90’s when I was graduating high school. Paper maps, land lines, cold hard cash….. the transition for me would be quick and painless. In fact, I think I would be relaxed and laid back because I’m no longer concerned with being faux connected through electronics.

I think I would be more content than I am now.

2 responses to “Stress Free”

  1. Mike Bunch Avatar

    Hearing you talk about it, I am tempted to get rid of them, except for blogging of course, well and work, and well….oh nevermind!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sibongilecharitysehlake Avatar

    The shock will be overcome of cause. 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

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