
Inspired by Nerd in the Brain

Bring the happy!

Vehicles in the garage!

The determination I had this past weekend to get both cars into our garage was immeasurable. Several hours on both days were required to get the clutter moved or thrown out to clear out enough space all around to get the cars inside. We were definitely spoiled from our old house as the garage was absolutely huge. The new house unfortunately doesn’t have that kind of space and we barely get them in with only a few inches to spare to close the doors each night. There is still some “vertical” hanging space to occupy for the bikes once we get the hangers that will make pulling in a lot easier.  I just need to let the cuts and blisters on my hands heal first 😦

Cooler weather


The weather here in the Northeast U.S. has finally broken from summer and has been in the 40’s overnight and the 70’s during the day. Humidity is gone, finally, making the days super awesome to be outside. My daughter has even chosen to play outside with her friends rather than stay inside playing Xbox or watching YouTube videos of MineCraft or Five Nights at Freddies. Burning off energy has been awesome as well as she goes to sleep without a fight each night.

Cello in the house again


My daughter told us about 2 weeks ago that she wanted to continue playing the Cello. I was all too happy to go rent the Cello from the local music store and bring it home. She has started practicing again on a regular basis and I’m so glad to be hearing music again in the house. I grew up playing the Violin, Alto Saxophone, and Barritone Saxophone; playing well into my high school years. Was pretty good at it too. Her ability to pick up technique and just play the music is amazing and something I never had. I’m wishing really hard she keeps with it and turns it into a life long passion.

Daughter Approved!

TTT Music Album Recommendation

Each week I’ll be adding a recommendation for some good rock or new metal that I discovered over the past week. I listen to music at least 3-4 hours every day and have been doing so for as long as I can remember. Spotify has become my absolute favorite music service and is the ONLY one I pay for. My taste has changed a few times, but I always come back to rock, metal, new metal, etc.

Worth the Pain
by Letters from the Fire

great cover of Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles

5 responses to “Three Things Thursday – 09/29/2016”

  1. The Snail of Happiness Avatar

    Oh I do wish we had real autumns… here it just seems to get soggy and things start to decompose!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. w1nt3l Avatar

      Soggy decomposition, doesn’t sound too enjoyable. I’d miss four seasons if I lived somewhere that didn’t have them. I love the cold of winter and am super excited that it’s getting closer.


      1. The Snail of Happiness Avatar

        I guess we get proper winter about 50% of the time… however, the presence of the Gulf Stream does mean we can grow things that our continental neighbours at the same latitude can only dream of, so I really shouldn’t complain!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. nerdinthebrain Avatar

    Oh, I am so envious that your autumn has started! We’re still waiting here. Our temperatures have dropped into the mid-eighties, but it still feels over ninety most days. At least it’s starting to get cooler at night…enough to let a person know that autumn is coming…eventually. 🙂

    Fabulous news about the cello! Grace plays piano, bass, guitar, and ukulele, and I love, love, love hearing the music drifting (or blaring) through the house all the time. 🙂

    Congrats on the garage!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. w1nt3l Avatar

      We’ve taken to walking around the house saying “chellooo” during her practicing. Makes us all laugh. It was also super awesomesauce to turn off the A/C and open the windows. Hope your autumn comes soon, it’s a great time of year for me knowing that Winter is coming!!

      Liked by 1 person

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