“WWIII has likely started already, but we have been slow to recognize it,” although he added that there was “much more we can do before we enter a hot war with Russia.”

Russia-Ukraine: Bill Ackman says World War III likely already started (cnbc.com)

That was a quote from billionaire Bill Ackman on a few hours ago about what he thought the Russia-Ukraine war represented to the world. He made a similar prediction about the world pandemic in early 2020 that no one listened to until much later when they realized he was right. I’m inclined to believe him on this prediction about what’s going on in Ukraine because I have nothing so far to show me that he is wrong. The situation, and tensions, have been escalating each day with little to no resolution despite the best efforts of leaders around the world having their “discussions” with Putin. That man seems determined to be the bad ass bully on the block with the rest of the world be damned.

Last week, Putin put Russia’s nuclear deterrence forces on high alert, saying it was a defensive response to Western condemnation of his invasion of Ukraine, and warning that any country that tried to interfere in Ukraine would suffer consequences unseen before in history.

Russia-Ukraine: Bill Ackman says World War III likely already started (cnbc.com)

What the hell does that mean anyway? “Suffer consequences unseen before in history”? If I didn’t know any better that sounds like something that would have come out of the face hole of Trump. Was this his implied statement saying he just dusted off the big red button to his nuclear arsenal if he’s pushed back too hard by someone smaller than him on the schoolyard playground? I think its safe to assume at this point that this was an empty threat because multiple countries have already helped Ukraine with weapons, supplies, aide, etc. to defend against invading Russian forces. Does that mean Putin was only referring to countries that send in troops? He should be more specific with his statements so we’re not questioning his motives.

This is all sort of dumb when you think about it because majority of UN countries are still buying oil from Russia. Aren’t there other sources of oil in the world that don’t require us to also buy from Russia as well? I paid $4.20/gallon the other day for a fill up to my car and thankfully, working from home full time I only fill up every 2-3 weeks, but others aren’t as lucky. What happened to all the oil that the U.S. produces in large enough quantities that we started to export? Where’d all that go? Is this war half way around the world being used as a reason to raise gas prices artifically? All interesting questions that I think should be answered hopefully if we don’t get tangled into a war that may or may not go nuclear. Let’s hope that Putin doesn’t get his feelings hurt.

13 responses to “Russia Starting WWIII?”

  1. John Avatar

    There is no rhyme nor reason to what is happening in Ukraine and things are not being helped very much by the pronouncements and actions of what has to be seen as an unbalanced mindset coming out of the Kremlin. And as to the issue concerning “Oil,” one has to believe that the reason the oil question is being played out is based in a profit motive across the board … war or peace, none of it matters because there are people who can profit off both war and peace. I think we are at the point now where we should be less fascinated with the details of the war and start thinking about teaching our people civil defense techniques, talking about building bomb shelters etc. But here we are .. all across America … still fascinated more with our immediate gratifications than concerned about how quickly life could change in an instant, dramatically, drastically for all of us.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Andrew Avatar

      Taking selfies in front of the gas price sign then posting the picture with a rant about how in fair it is they can’t buy a Starbucks frappe every day.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Elizabeth Kanas-Gonzalez Avatar
    Elizabeth Kanas-Gonzalez

    Putin is crazy! Like John said there is no rhyme or reason for this war in Ukraine except that Putin is a megalomaniac and a psychopath! I am concerned about the people but I see a larger picture here. Putin wants the whole EU. He is absolutely nuts and I would not trust him at all. I am sure the US is on his plate too, eventually.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Andrew Avatar

      I fear for anyone trying to “invade” the U.S…… There are way too many guns in the hands of most citizens for it to be a fair fight for any foreign aggressor. I still see Putin as the schoolyard bully that flexes but loses power when no one is behind him to support him.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Elizabeth Kanas-Gonzalez Avatar
        Elizabeth Kanas-Gonzalez


        Liked by 1 person

      2. John Avatar

        You know what I am wondering right now about all those Amereicans with guns? I am wondering how many of those patriotic private militias who love to parade around in body armor carrying their automatic weapons are showing the values they claim to have and who are starting out on their journey to physically go to Ukraine and help them fight for their freedom?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Andrew Avatar

        I think the total Americans in the International fighters in Ukraine is over 3k now. Some of them at least are putting their guns where it counts.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. John Avatar

        Amen to that, Andrew.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. John Avatar

      To: Elizabeth … I tried to Like your comment but for some reason something prevented me doing it so until I find out what the glitch is, I will so it here and now. — Yes, I believe the U.S. is on his plate as well. It reminds me of Hitler’s attitude about “Today Germany;Tomorrow The World.”

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Elizabeth Kanas-Gonzalez Avatar
        Elizabeth Kanas-Gonzalez

        John since it was the first time you visited my blog. I always monitor first time commenters. Now that I have approved you – you will be able to post comments and like freely. Thank you for coming by.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Andrew Avatar

        I’m reviewing the comment settings and the “glitch” hopefully should correct going forward.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. John Avatar

      Elizabeth has it right and we also have to remember that Alaska once belonged to the Russians too … and I am sure Putininski has his eyes on Alaska as needing “De-nazification” just like Ukraine and it is just a matter to time.


  3. John Avatar

    You wrote, “Is this war half way around the world being used as a reason to raise gas prices artifically? ”

    My answer is, “There are always people in high and privileged places who make tons of money off wars. They are called “Profiteers” and everyone of them should be locked up.

    Liked by 1 person

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