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Hybrid Work Doesn’t Make Sense

My company started bringing people back to the office in August and September of this year to mostly negative feedback from employees that had been working and over performing for almost 3 years. Thankfully I don’t have to return as I don’t meet most of the requirements to have my remote work cancelled, but I…

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Hope You’re Good Nephew

On February 13, 2020, my nephew took his own life. That’s a day that I’ve played over in my head like I used to play out a cassette tape when I was younger. There are a hundred what if’s that have gone through my head, but none of it will change the brutal truth, he’s…

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Stress Free

This one is quite easy to answer, but has some applied nuance to set the appropriate context. I went full disconnect and assumed that “without a computer” actually meant all electronic processing devices, including a mobile phone. With that said, here is what I hope my life would look like without electronics. I believe there…

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Trying to talk politics….

When stopping to survey the landscape of politics, it would be hard to argue that were not in some kind of meat grinder or dystopian movie of the future. The news cycles are depressing on a good day and almost impossible to watch on a bad day. So much news and not enough time in…

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I’m Generation X

TLDR answer? The trait I value most is that I’m Generation X. I grew up largely in the 80’s, however on the younger side since I am on the tail end of the generational span. Regardless, I had two working parents where I had 2-4 hours each day after school with my younger brother. I…

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Just enough to not get fired

Actually hard work does not make me feel fulfilled, rather, the opposite. Hard work lately has been a slog, a chore, something to be avoided. I can’t put my finger on why I feel this way, however there are multiple contributing factors that push me to be aloof and disconnected from the work I’m doing.…

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